Summer term - full steam ahead!

Good to see the Owls back after a sunny half term. The children have got straight back into the routine.

In Maths lessons this week we have been learning how to tell the time to 5 minute intervals and 1 minute intervals and have started to record as digital and analogue time. Owls have realised that telling the time involves fractions, times tables and number line knowledge! We used the part/whole method to find ways of making 60 minutes. 35 minutes past is the the same as 25 minutes to because 35 add 25 = 60.

We are very excited to be heading to Ancient Egypt this term and learning all about this intriguing civilisation. The children have learnt about when in history it was and what was happening around the world during this time. Did you know that Stonehenge was built before the Pyramids of Giza - well we do now! In our English writing we are looking at traditional tales and will be writing our own versions set in Ancient Egypt as a follow up to reading The Egyptian Cinderella.

The Corn Exchange Production of ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ is on the horizon and the children have been given their parts this week. Please support them in learning their lines. The performance will be on 4th July and as soon as the Corn Exchange have confirmed a time we will let you know. Information about costumes will also be posted shortly.

Summer is definitely here so please remember sun hats, water bottle (every day) and sun cream if needed.

Have a good weekend. See you Monday.