After a weekend filled with scones, crowns, a colour run and a music celebration it was good to return to a fairly ‘normal’ routine in class!
The children have worked with care and attention to detail in their recount write ups. They have written a report about the battle between the Iron Man and the Space-Bat-Angle-Dragon. Super sentence work has been the focus and we will publish our reports next week!
Reading for pleasure is a joy to see and Owl class have been enjoying visiting the library van and having quiet reading time in class. It is a wonderful opportunity to listen to readers and expand their vocabulary. Please remember to listen to your child(ren) read, even if they are independent free readers, as there is always a word or two that they are unsure of. Comprehending is different to decoding. VIPERS are a great tool to support this.
More magnet magic. We investigated which materials are magnetic and answered the question ‘Are all metals magnetic?’ It was interesting to find that some coins were magnetic whilst others are not. We discovered it depends on when the coins were made because the metal used to make them changed. Next week we will use our learning about magnets to design a game!
This term’s PSHE focus is on relationships and roles. We started off our learning by thinking about different types of jobs and who can do them. We considered the word ‘stereotype’ and why some people hold this view. Owl class were brilliant as they all agreed gender was no barrier to a career.
We hope you are noticing that Owls are more confident with their money! This week the class have added amounts, added up shopping lists and started to find change using a written method. The children have really understood the use of decimals in the context of money.
Enjoy the weekend and see you Monday looking smart as we have class photos but also remember to pack swimming kit!