Building it up...

Welcome back Owl class. You have all settled back in to your learning with such a great attitude. You all recognise that the more effort you put in the more you get out of school and the learning opportunities on offer. Keep building up your knowledge and building up your skills.

Science - Forces and Magnets. Great fun and learning in our first lesson where we had to identify forces in action. Making paper aeroplanes enabled us to observe thrust, air resistance and gravity. In class we thought about forces acting on objects and when a force is a push or a pull. We all recognised gravity pulls on objects.

The coming of the Iron Man! Oh we are enjoying this fantastic story. Ted Hughes uses repetition and fronted adverbials to add description and interest in his sentence structures so we are aiming to write in a similar way.

It is time to think about money and measurements in maths. To start our learning we are making the link between tenths as fractions and decimals. This will help support our learning when thinking about how many pence in one pound or how many cm’s are in a metre.

Our Geography focus this term is the River Nile. We learnt some fascinating facts about the river and could not believe how long it actually is! It was also a good opportunity to recap what a continent and a country is so that we could describe the location of the Nile accurately.

Enjoy your weekend Owls. See you Monday, ready for swimming lessons!