It was lovely to see the children playing in the snow this week! Despite a few pairs of soggy socks everyone enjoyed seeing the field covered in snow.
The history focus to our learning has linked to the geography learning from last term and Owls definitely had a great insight into how connected our topics are by learning about Cacao beans and how important they were to the Ancient Maya of MesoAmerica. We tried Cacao nibs, and used our sense of smell and taste to compare it to the chocolate we can buy today. As you can see from the pictures some children liked it while others were not so keen!! Thank you Mrs Chrimes for providing us with the cacao.
In PSHE the children have been thinking about healthy bodies and making choices that develop healthy habits. We are trying to improve our fitness over the term with regular exercise. We also thought about healthy relationships and what a healthy friendship looks like. We thought about the term being ‘friendly’ and what this means. Some wise words from Owls now to just act on those wise words.
Have a lovely weekend.