I am sure that most of you will have heard that Owl class made poo (or faeces as we have now learnt) this week! It was the last science lesson to round off the topic on digestion. Lots of giggles were had but it was actually a really great way of ensuring that the children knew about each stage of the digestion process.
Wow we are really working hard on our multiplication methods. Owls have made the numbers, drawn the calculation and written the calculation using a formal method. It is so important the children are learning their times tables to support this method as everything links back to x table knowledge. This week we have been focusing on x3, x6 facts for quick recall. More next week!
To say that we were impressed by the amazing questions and observations made in our geography learning would be an understatement. The children had a few awe and wonder moments when we talked about the weather and climate in the tropics and then discussed climate change and human impact on the world. We drew graphs to compare temperatures in Manaus and London and it really did show us how the temperature is fairly constant in the Rainforests. There are no seasons in the Rainforests unlike here in the UK.
Please make sure you have everything ready for next week’s trip. We are getting very excited. The weather is looking a bit wet so waterproof trousers and a warm waterproof coat along with extra clothing on the kit list are recommended. Please remember that children will also need a packed lunch on Thursday to take with them.
Owl class have also been set some maths homework on Purple Mash alongside their regular spelling and reading routine. It consists of a few games to play to practice their times tables. Have a lovely weekend.