A shorter week but still lots squeezed into each day and so much brilliant learning from Owl class. We are starting to add to our ‘Wow’ wall in class. Ask your Owl how a piece of learning is selected for the wow wall!
Please can we remind Owls that spellings are set every week and the list is glued into their reading records so that you can see the rule the children are learning each week. This is homework and your support is much appreciated.
Music was very productive and great fun this week as the children used Boomwhackers to explore pitch and rehearse three different pieces of music. The children learnt that the lower the pitch the larger the boomwhacker and the higher the pitch the shorter the boomwhacker! We are looking forward to learning more next week.
Using the senses to describe a setting/place has been the focus in our writing this week and the children have come up with some fantastic descriptive writing. Next week we will be writing our own short stories and the children will need to remember to use their descriptive toolkit.
We are still exploring rocks in Science and this week we tested them to see if they would make good breakwaters. Our investigation showed us if they were permeable, durable and buoyant. Next week, we will discuss what we have found out from our results.
In Art, we continued to explore colour. Our mission was to try and use just the primary colours to create different shades of the secondary colours. We made some fantastic shades of brown, green and orange, using them in an autumnal picture.