What a wonderful sports day! The activities in the morning were great fun with lots of Owls challenging themselves to improve a personal best. All our learning powers were in evidence particularly courage, cooperation and endurance. Well done to everyone.
Learning about the Water cycle and answering the question ‘How are rivers formed?’ we used a model to predict where water run off would occur and how this then could create lakes, streams and rivers. A great activity to support our understanding of how falling rain on mountains and high ground starts the formation of a river.
The Year 4s have been working hard on their times table facts. One Owl said:
It is really important to know them all off by heart as it makes fractions much easier to work with!
Wise words indeed! So Year 3 keep practising those facts and recalling them quickly remember you are working on your x 3,x 6, x4 and x8s and Year 4 keep recalling the facts and making links to other calculations. If you know 3 x 4 = 12 you know 30 x 4 = 120 or 1200 divided by 3 = 400!