Owls and chicks!

Our whole school theme is ‘Changes’. Lots of our learning is focusing on the changes we see around us, for example the changes in the environment, seasons, historical changes such as The English Civil War, changes in music and life cycles to name a few. With this in mind we were treated to a visit from fluffy spring chicks! We learnt about how long they are incubated for and what they need for food. We talked about the life cycle and changes that they will go through.

Tenths, hundredths, decimals, fractions - Owls have worked really hard this week using lots of resources to secure their understanding of decimals. We will then move on to using decimals in the context of money, mass and measure as this concept underpins real life skills.

Weekend wonder… I wonder what changes you can hear in a piece of music? Listen to a favourite song - does it change tempo, pitch or does it move from acoustic to vocal? How many changes are there?