Week of the 14th of November.

Lots of rain and some sunny spells and who could of course forget the mist that greeted us up on White Horse hill! However, there was something magical about the mist shrouding the site and then revealing the prehistoric monuments. Owls were amazed to find the Iron age fort at the top of the hill and then to discover that the White Horse was an even earlier Bronze Age site! The final stop on our trip was to Wayland Smithy - a prehistoric long barrow that captured our imagination of life long ago. We finished off our day by thinking about the evidence that people from the past leave behind and designed our own cave paintings to record prehistoric life. So much history on our doorstep to enrich our learning!

In English we are learning to sequence and retell the story of Stone Age Boy. We ordered parts of the story and then had to rewrite the story in fifty words or less! This was very tricky but we persevered. We also enjoyed playing the game ‘Babble, gabble’ where we had to quickly retell the story around the class. This will help us t remember the structure of this story so that it will make it easier to write our own.

What is light a symbol of? Do all religions use light to represent the same thing? In RE we listened to the story of Rama and Sita and why Hindus celebrate Diwali. We then made our own diva lights. Owls think that for Hindus light represents good defeating evil and that the diva lights are guides so light shows a path.

The dance unit this term in PE has us moving and creating shapes like Spies!! We thought about dynamics in the dance and are starting to create our own choreography.