We must start by saying a huge thank you for all the hard work and effort you have put into your learning this term. We are very proud of you all. Enjoy half term and recharge as the next term will be just as action packed!
Fantastic explanation texts have been written, redrafted and then typed up for best copy. Explanation texts are complex non fiction texts and Owls have shown the have understood the features of this style of writing.
The topic this term has had a Geography focus and Owls have been learning about reading maps. Yesterday the children enjoyed a treasure hunt where they had to use a compass, grid references and the map key to locate four separate locations. Lots of practical experience in using a compass and referring to a map of the local area.
Have you heard we have a mini museum session?! The children are enjoying bringing in items from home to share with the class and our rocks and fossils topic has been a source of great interest!
It is always a treat to share learning and we thank you for coming to watch the gymnastics display this week. To perform to an audience was a big moment for Owls and they thoroughly enjoyed showing you their routines. Have a happy half term.
An information sheet about the different religions we will be studying next term will be sent home along with a multiplication grid to support times table facts.