A Weekend Wonder:
If you fancy a challenge this weekend, why not see if you can create something crafty! Don’t forget to upload your pictures to the Teams assignment or bring it in ready for show and tell on Monday!
This week in Maths we have been focusing on different ways to represent ‘groups of’ a number. For example, drawing an array, sorting objects, drawing a bar model and writing the repeated addition number sentence. Year 2 even challenged themselves to use the multiplication symbol.
In Science this week we explored how the number of hours of daylight is different in each season. We created a pictogram to show our findings. Next week we are going to investigate this further.
In RE, we started to explore our new key question (Should everyone follow Jesus?). We discovered what following is by playing follow the leader and discussing who we follow and why. We read Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and thought about who follows Jesus.
We were very lucky this week to have the handwashing machine again. We enjoyed seeing how well we washed our hands when we follow the steps carefully. However, it surprised us to witness how many germs were left on Miss Rignall’s hands after she just used hand sanitiser! We all agreed to carefully use soap and water.