Kingfishers have had a fantastic first week back after half term. Have a look below to see what we have been up to.
In English, we explored diary writing and discovered some of the writing and grammatical features used in a diary entry.
In Maths, we explored links we can make to multiples of tens.
For example:
I know 3 + 7 = 10.
So I know 30 + 70 = 100.
We used our links to support us in finding the number bonds to 100.
Here’s a maths challenge to discuss at home:
Which is the odd one out?
In Topic, we started our new History topic: The Gunpowder Plot. We discussed what we know now about the Gunpowder Plot and then what life was like 400 years ago.
On Thursday, we took part in an Indian Dance Workshop. Have a look below to see some photos:
Homework Reminder:
Over Half Term a Phonics game was sent home and some of the children have asked for a bit longer to complete this. Therefore, we will give the children until Thursday 10th November to return this.